Are you tired of feeling stuck in a cycle of chronic illness and stress?

You’re not alone.

According to the CDC in 2018 (cdc.gov), 51.8% of Americans had at least one chronic condition, with 27.2% having multiple chronic conditions. That was six years ago…and spoiler: we haven’t gotten healthier. While chronic illness isn’t specific to the United States, when compared to other industrialized countries, Americans spend nearly twice as much on healthcare while having the highest chronic burden and obesity rate (commonwealthfund.org). And honestly, the statistics for other countries aren’t much better.

Over half of Americans are dealing with similar challenges—but there’s a creative way to break free and reclaim your health.

So, the quite literal $1,000,000 question is:

How do we heal?


At the core of our well-being lies the power of our mindset. Tapping into creativity isn’t just for artists; it’s a transformative tool anyone can use to reclaim their health and happiness.

And science has proven that lifestyle factors, including diet and exercise, play an important role in the prevention and treatment of illnesses, chronic ones included. But more and more research shows that our mindset may be the missing piece of the healing puzzle. Our minds are brilliant, powerful and wildly creative, but unfortunately, they are often an underrated tool for healing.

Enter the concept of ‘Creative Wellness,’ a transformative mindset that integrates creativity, health and community to foster overall well-being. By incorporating a creative perspective through physical, mental, social and spiritual health, we can create space for expression an growth, leading us down our own individual paths of healing and happiness.

Ready to explore how creativity can heal?

Start here!

At Spencerita, our mission is to empower individuals to harness the transformative power of a creative mindset to promote health and well-being while fostering community and connection. We believe everyone deserves to live a healthy, happy and inspired life.

Our core offerings include:

The Spencerita Approach to ‘Creative Wellness’

  • Empowering women to talk openly about female health - the good, the bad, and the downright hairy - with honesty and humor. Listen here!

  • Exploring creative ways to cope and heal from chronic health issues with personal insights and interviews with fellow creatives and health warriors. Watch here!

  • Embrace creativity as a tool for physical, mental, spiritual, and social health with entries from Spencer Moore and other creative guest writers. Read here!

  • Subscribe for all the latest updates on creative wellness, tips, practical advice and inspiring stories.

  • Join Spencer, a Lemonista through the Know Your Lemons Foundation, as she educates and spreads awareness about breast health and early detection. Learn about it here!

  • Creativity provides a safe outlet for processing emotions, reducing stress, and allowing our bodies to heal. Whichever outlet you prefer, expressing emotions creatively can help us better understand ourselves and find healing and happiness.

  • Creative activities engage both the mind and body, promoting relaxation, reducing physical tension, and stimulating the release of endorphins.

  • Creative practices encourage self-reflection and help us uncover new aspects of our identity, passions, and potential. This journey of self-discovery fosters personal growth, resilience and confidence.

  • Creative Wellness thrives in supportive communities where individuals can share their work, exchange ideas, and inspire each other. This sense of belonging enhances our well-being and encourages a collaborative spirit. You are never alone.

  • Creativity invites us to reconnect with our inner child - embracing playfulness and finding joy in the simple act of creating. This playful mindset can significantly enhance our outlook on life.

  • Creative activities require focus and presence, helping us practice mindfulness and stay grounded in the present moment. This reduces anxiety, improving mental clarity and physical health.

Key Aspects of a Creative Mindset

Where Will Your Creative

Wellness Journey Begin?