Do you believe that creativity can be a powerful tool for healing? I do too, and I’m here to show you how you can embrace creative wellness in your own life.

My name is Spencer Moore. I’m an American from Raleigh, North Carolina, now living in the vibrant city of Barcelona, Spain. I found myself drawn to Barcelona’s rich artistic culture and tight-knit community, where I’ve made a home with my husband, Rafa, and our Frenchie, Zelda Maria. This city, with its creative pulse, has fueled my journey in discovering how creativity can be so much more than just self-expression — it can be a powerful tool for healing and growth.

Like many of you, I’ve faced health challenges that left me searching for a way to heal and thrive. From navigating chronic health issues since childhood to being diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer in 2023, I’ve often felt overwhelmed by circumstances beyond my control.

But through every challenge, I found one constant source of comfort: creativity.

Creativity has been my lifeline — a superpower that allowed me to

transcend my struggles and discover peace and purpose.

When life threw one of its toughest challenge at me - early stage breast cancer — I leaned into creativity like never before. It wasn’t just about making art; it was about reclaiming my health, joy, and sense of community. That’s when I realized: Creative Wellness isn’t just for me — it’s for everyone. I believe that tapping into our creativity can be a transformative journey toward healing, happiness, and connection.

Now, I’m inviting you to join me in embracing a mindset where creativity meets wellness. Together, we can explore ways to live more fully, heal more deeply, and build a community grounded in creativity and connection.

Ready to start your Creative Wellness journey?

Let’s connect, share, and create together as we discover the joy and healing power of creativity.

I can’t wait to create with you!

Spencer Moore